Saturday, October 28, 2006

To Get The Highest Search Engine Rankings

How to Get the Highest Search Engine Rankings
Search Engine Rankings..Everyone wants to be number one, and there are millions of web sites out there. So how do you become number one and stay there consistently?Want to get listed in 24 hours?
Consistently is the keyword here. Sure, you may apply the newest, best trick in the book today, but when someone else comes out with a better one tomorrow, you will be scrambling to get to the top again.This is the “thing” you should consider.

1.Specifics Keywords
2.Must have incoming linking.
3.Must have quality incoming linking.
4.Must build incoming linking.
5.Build Real Content for the visitor not for machine.
6.Optimize your site.
7.Get to know the search engine wanted.

Okay.Let talk about it one by one…Focus on one, or at the most, two keywords. Build your site around those keywords. Be everything you can be to someone who keys in those keywords. Or better yet, one keyword.
Would you rather have one keyword that has a number one placement, or 8 keywords with a number 40 placement each? To me, number 40 is like number 1 million-you don’t get enough clicks to pay the bills.
I would far rather have one keyword for which my site is on the first page of results than twenty that are all over the place. Build yourself a web site that has a strong keyword density-for one or two keywords. Put those keywords in your title and description and keyword lists.This the power of “Focus” for get a highest search engine position.Links are very important, but you cannot cheat in this area. You must build them one by one. My two favorite methods of link building is to write articles, like this one, and submit them to article directories, and to be included in link directories.
Stay away from link farms, large link exchanges, or anything of the sort. You van be banned from search engine if you do that.The major search engines want to see you build a steady supply of links over time.
What do you think a search engine will do for you when you go from 0 links to 3000 in one day? That won’t get you to number one, and certainly won’t keep you there, when you are put in the sandbox for six months.
The best way of link building is submit to the directory or blog directory .It will build yor incoming link very fast.This is the way how to create link. Another method is trough Bookmarking site.You need traffic, you need click-thrus in the search engine results. You need visitors to stay at your site for more than a few seconds when they click in. How do you get that?
Build real content. Build it for people, not machines–while following the first three keys. Do that, and I believe that in three to six months you will have each web site you set up with this strategy, in the top ten for your keyword.Another strategy is know the search wanted.Now,every body knows they want want a fresh content.So,give them fresh content.They will like it and you will get the reward-highest ranking. Get to know what
search engine likes and dislikes. Do what they like,don’t do what they hate it.

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